My name is Karen and I am Minister/Counselor at Focus-3 Church. We all certainly have our own journeys in life. I would like to share mine with you in hopes that it will inspire and help you in with your own walk in life. You are welcome to leave comments if you'd like. I will post daily whatever God puts on my heart to share.
God has reminded me today that He has placed everything in us that we need to succeed. The choice is up to us! God gives us a choice. When we start to feel down and think that we cannot do great things and succeed in life, or we can step out in faith and go to work. We don't have to take large steps we just have to start somewhere. God will remind us in some kind of way that we are His and yes, we can really do all things through HIM because HE gives us strength to do them.
2 Kings 6: 16-18 says that "the army that fights for us is larger than the army that fights Aram." Elisha wanted his people to see in the spirit that they were protected by God, regardless of what the situation looked like. The vision, dreams, and goals that God has placed in you is greater than the army that fights against you.
Words and thoughts are powerful! Thank You Jesus for reminding me that my words and what I speak are powerful. In studying the Word - I see that Elisha prayed earnestly to God - and his enemies, those that were against him were unable to stop God's plan.
DO NOT FEAR - speak life and you will have life!!
I love this and it is just what I needed to hear this morning. Thanks so much Sister Karen.😍